25 years ago Olga Havel left this world

On Wednesday, January 27, 25 years have passed since Olga Havel left this world. The Committee of Good Will – Olga Havel Foundation still fulfills the legacy of its founder and helps, according to Mrs. Olga's wishes, where it is most needed and where no one else offers help.

„We wish that the right for dignified life is also enjoyed by those who live with handicap or mental illness, abandoned and old people, those who have a different skin colour or a different way of life, those in poverty or attacked by a malignant disease.“ said Olga Havel. And in the spirit of these words the Committee of Good Will – Olga Havel Foundation fulfills her legacy.
Representatives of the Foundation commemorated the 25th anniversary of Olga's death intimately due to the epidemic measures. On the anniversary day, January 27, they laid flowers on the grave of Olga and Václav Havel in the Vinohrady Cemetery.

„Olga Havel founded the Committee of Good Will with her friends from Charter 77 in 1990, two years later the committee got the second name Olga Havel Foundation,” said Monika Granja, director of the OHF, and she added: „Mrs. Olga was one of the pioneers of charity in the 1990s. She founded an organization that focused on helping people with disabilities, the abandoned and the discriminated, and thus became the first ombudsman for people who find themselves on the fringe of society.”

The Committee of Good Will – Olga Havel Foundation celebrated its 31th anniversary this year.

What have we achieved during those 31 years?

„We wish that the right for dignified life is also enjoyed by those who live with handicap or mental illness, abandoned and old people, those who have a different skin colour or a different way of life, those in poverty or attacked by a malignant disease.“ Olga Havel
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