Friends of Good Will

Anybody who wants to support the OHF on a regular basis would be welcomed among Friends of Good Will!

We try to address people of good will in order to motivate them to support others. Your financial contributions will be used solely to help children in children's homes, elderly and people with a handicap. 

How to become a Friend of Good Will?

  • Fill in the registration form and send it to the address of the Foundation
  • Contribute financially on a regular basis
  • Try to find new Friends of Good Will

Minimum Contribution

  • individual: CZK 200 / month (CZK 2,400 per year) 
  • company: CZK 500 / month (CZK 6,000 per year)

Where to Contribute

  • Bank Account: CZK: 478 437 033/0300
  • IBAN CZ72 0300 0000 0004 7843 7033

We provide a written confirmation about your donation in January of the coming year. Following your first contribution, you will receive a thank-you letter and a certificate.

Your donations really help!

As a Friend of Good Will, you are going to:

  • Get a confirmation of your donation for tax deduction
  • Receive regular information about our activities
  • Receive our electronic magazine Good News (quarterly)
  • Get invitation to our events


  • Your name will be mentioned in the OHF Annual Report
  • If you wish to do so, you may take part in the activities of the OHF and share your experience and information with others 

Friends of Good Will
Výbor dobré vůle – Nadace Olgy Havlové
Senovážné nám. 2
111 21  Praha 1

Phone: +420 224 217 083 

„We wish that the right for dignified life is also enjoyed by those who live with handicap or mental illness, abandoned and old people, those who have a different skin colour or a different way of life, those in poverty or attacked by a malignant disease.“ Olga Havel
Toll-free +420 800 111 010 | Phone: +420 224 216 883 | Email: | Follow us on FACEBOOK
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