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Would you like to help the OHF as a volunteer?

Contact us via email vdv@vdv.cz!

Your would be welcomed in case you decide to help us:

  • while promoting the OHF projects (e.g. by providing a free media space, by placing information about the OHF on your website, etc.)
  • while joining us in the OHF stand during public events (preferably students)
  • while joining us in the OHF office

"I've found out that one can learn the most when he or she experiences with his/her own eyes how the things are in reality. In the foundation, I have found out that theory is a good thing, but it is not easy to apply it in the real world."

Alena Jandusová (21), a student of the Higher Technical School of Social Law

"When I was offered an internship in the OHF, I did not hesitate at all. I wanted to get to know an organization whose purpose is to help others. The internship was the first kick-off that has led to my decision to stay in the non-profit sphere."

David Šebesta (26), graduate of the Faculty of Arts in Ústí nad Labem, who currently works as a project manager for rural development

„We wish that the right for dignified life is also enjoyed by those who live with handicap or mental illness, abandoned and old people, those who have a different skin colour or a different way of life, those in poverty or attacked by a malignant disease.“ Olga Havel
Toll-free +420 800 111 010 | Phone: +420 224 216 883 | Email: vdv@vdv.cz | Follow us on FACEBOOK
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