Ordinary Life

The Ordinary Life programme includes social projects of non-profit organisations which aim to help people living outside the “ordinary life” to return to life and which provide social services for their full integration into society.

Target groups are homeless and unemployed people, children from the streets, women and children who are victims of violence. The programme also supports projects of various organisations, which focus their activities on socially excluded Roma communities and social work with the youth, who came from children's homes and reformatories.  

Deadline for applications - March 31, 2022

Applications for grants provided by the programme can be sent by non-governmental non-profit organisations with a legal form of:

  • public benefit corporation
  • recorded institute
  • civic association
  • registered legal entity (church)

What does the programme support?

  • projects of social work in asylum houses for men and women with children
  • projects of social work in Halfway Houses
  • projects of social work on the streets

List of required documents

  • application form signed by official representative of the organisation
  • project budget
  • additional documents - certificate of the organisation´s official registration, valid statute, total budget for the project and list of individual financial resources and also resources received for the very project from another sources
  • CV of the person responsible for the project

Additional information



„We wish that the right for dignified life is also enjoyed by those who live with handicap or mental illness, abandoned and old people, those who have a different skin colour or a different way of life, those in poverty or attacked by a malignant disease.“ Olga Havel
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