Applications of individuals

The OHF supports people with disabilities and individuals and families in difficult life situations.

The OHF contributes in particular to: health and compensation aids such as hearing aids, sound processors, wheelchairs and their accessories, strollers, walkers, positioning systems (Pathways Towards Integration), neurorehabilitation stays (Fund to Help Children with CP), scholarships and special tools for study (Education Fund, Nikola Tesla Scholarship)

The OHF does not contribute to: motor vehicles, purchase or reconstruction of housing, personal assistance, payment of debts, selected rehabilitation aids (e.g. motomed)

How to apply

  • Applications are submitted on a form that can be downloaded from the relevant web pages of a specific program (Pathways Towards Integration, Education Fund, Nikola Tesla Scholarship and Fund to Help Children with CP)
  • Attachments listed on the application form (e.g. medical report, aid/service pricelist, family income confirmation, etc.) are an integral part of the application  
  • If the applicant is under the age of 18, his/her legal representative submits the application
  • Third parties' requests are not negotiated

Board Decision

  • All applications received are reviewed by the OHF Board of Directors, which meets once a month (except for summer holidays)
  • The decision of the Board shall be notified to the applicant in writing at the latest two weeks after the meeting
  • For contributions over CZK 10,000, the OHF concludes a grant agreement with the beneficiary
  • There is no legal claim to the OHF grants


  • The OHF does not reimburse the already paid aids/services retroactively and does not send money to the applicant's account
  • If a grant is given, the invoice or part of the invoice is paid directly to the aids/service provider
„We wish that the right for dignified life is also enjoyed by those who live with handicap or mental illness, abandoned and old people, those who have a different skin colour or a different way of life, those in poverty or attacked by a malignant disease.“ Olga Havel
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