Applications of organizations

The OHF contributes to non-governmental non-profit organizations for projects leading to the development of social services.

The OHF contributes in particular to: purchase of health and compensatory aids and materials, education of direct care workers, rehabilitation stays for prevention of bronchial asthma for children, equipment and reconstruction of premises, other investment costs

The OHF does not contribute to: wages and operating costs, debt repayment, acquisition of real estate

How to apply

  • The application is submitted on a form that can be downloaded on the website of a specific grant program (Pathways Towards Integration, Ordinary Life, Senior and Sasakawa Asthma Fund)
  • The application must include mandatory attachments:
    • A copy of the organization registration document (only if you are applying for the first time or if there is a change in activity)
    • Simple project budget
    • A copy of the land registry extract (in case of a request for reimbursement of investment costs)
    • If the applicant is not the statutory body of the organization, a copy of the document entitling the applicant to act on behalf of the organization (power of attorney)
  • The application may include the annual report for the last accounting period as an optional attachment (preferably electronic version or a link to the website where it is located)
  • It is important to state In the cover letter whether and when the applicant applied for a grant in the past and how the request was handled

Board Decision

  • The OHF Board of Directors review all received applications for grants in the framework of the announced grant procedures; deadlines for grant closures are stated in the relevant program (except of the Pathways Towards Integration programme - applications can be sent throughout the whole year)
  • The decision of the Board shall be notified to the applicant in writing at the latest two weeks after the meeting
  • For contributions over CZK 10,000 the OHF concludes a grant agreement with the beneficiary
  • There is no legal claim to the OHF grants


  • The OHF does not reimburse the already paid aids/services retroactively and does not send money to the applicant's account
  • If a grant is given, the invoice or part of the invoice is paid directly to the aid/service provider


„We wish that the right for dignified life is also enjoyed by those who live with handicap or mental illness, abandoned and old people, those who have a different skin colour or a different way of life, those in poverty or attacked by a malignant disease.“ Olga Havel
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